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(217) 352-4646

Children’s Dentistry

Here at Q Dental, we recognize the importance of promoting good oral hygiene habits in children from a young age. That’s why we encourage you to bring your little ones in for regular checkups and welcome them in our office.
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Children’s Dentistry

Here at Q Dental, we recognize the importance of promoting good oral hygiene habits in children from a young age. That’s why we encourage you to bring your little ones in for regular checkups and welcome them in our office.

Even before they are old enough for traditional dental checkups, it’s a good idea to get kids used to the idea of someone looking around in their mouth. When kids see that dentists aren’t so scary, it encourages them to maintain good oral health and regularly attend checkups, even once they become adults.

Because children are still in the process of losing their baby teeth, most major dental work is not undertaken until permanent teeth are in place. Children have different needs than adults, and our team is dedicated to caring for these needs. Here, we discuss some dental treatments that are common in children, along with when they might be necessary:


It’s important to maintain good brushing and flossing habits, but some spots can be difficult to reach. That’s where sealants come into play. Sealants are thin plastic coatings that stick to the chewing surface of your rear molars. They greatly reduce risk of decay and keep debris from settling in the nooks and crannies of your rear teeth.

Sealants are beneficial to anyone, but for maximum coverage they should be applied as soon as your adult molars emerge. Usually, this is around age 6 for first molars and age 12 for second molars. Your dentist will decide when your child is ready for sealants. The quick and pain-free application process is well worth the several years of protection sealants provide.

Q Dental is ready to help treat your Orthodontics and any other needs in Children’s Dentistry. Feel free to give us a call at (217)352-4646 or Schedule an Appointment online.


Once your child has their first tooth, it may be time to consider fluoride varnish treatments. Fluoride is easy and painless for the dentist to apply, and when applied 2 to 4 times a year, this natural mineral can help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay.

Only a small amount of fluoride is necessary, and its benefits are worth the application process, which we complete in mere minutes with the help of a small brush. For young children with a high risk of cavities, the treatment may be more effective in higher frequencies. Our team can provide you with a customized fluoride treatment plan for your child.


In some cases where bite or tooth misalignment is severe, you may want to explore orthodontics. We are proud to offer braces and Invisalign® treatments in our Champaign dental office. These appliances are great options to fix cosmetic imperfections, as well as serious issues with chewing and jaw misalignment.

For the biggest chance of success, we recommend coming to see us for an initial consultation no later than 7 years old. Why 7? At this age, your child is in the middle of losing their baby teeth and developing their permanent adult teeth. This provides the dentist with a lot of information on existing or developing issues in the teeth and bite.

When we begin monitoring a situation early, we can determine the best timing for orthodontic intervention, if it is necessary. If your child is older than 7, however, that doesn’t mean it’s too late to investigate orthodontics. Most patients begin treatment when they are between 9 and 16, but we encourage you to begin exploring possibilities early on for optimal results.

Learn more today.

We welcome kids of all ages at Q Dental! Schedule an appointment today for a checkup or consultation with our team of experts.

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Monday - Thursday
8:00am to 5:00pm

Friday - Saturday - Sunday